
PORT Cannes Lions 2022

Set against the Port De Cannes and next to the Palais, Amazon Ads built a entire world. Complete with 5 days of constant programming; including private meetings, product discussions, happy hours, wellness events and a closing concert with LCD Soundsystem.

amazon port qu

amazon port qu

“Don’t miss Amazon’s first-ever public-facing Cannes Lions presence—a 2,500-square-meter “port” complete with education sessions from presenters including Roxane Gay, plus morning workouts, happy hours and a high-profile concert.”

– AdAge

amazon port s2

amazon port s2

On top of the empty promenade we were tasked with turning the space into a massive 28,000sq-ft brand experience complex complete with a Interior keynote stage, concert stage, cafe, garden lounge private meeting rooms and a custom Amazon PORT entry way.

The entryway moment consisted of a 120 ft LED wall, water features, custom wood decking, immersive graphic integration, and outfitted the space with furniture and decor fitting the French Riviera. 


*Designed by Optimist Inc.

Cannes Lions BizBash